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Auto Injury, Car Injury, Personal Injury, Hit & Run

In 2013, 3,337 people in the state of Texas died in car accidents. Thousands more were injured, some so seriously they will never return to life as they knew it prior to the accident. Economic losses were estimated to be more than $25 billion. Almost all car crashes are due to human error.


When smaller vehicles collide with the big rigs or larger trucks, the resulting trucking accidents create great damage and often severe personal injury. Larger vehicles are also heavier, which in itself tilts the potential for damage against the smaller cars, motorcycles or bikes and their occupants. If you or a loved one has been injured in a trucking accident, CALL US TODAY.

Trucking Accident Injury, 18-Wheeler Accidents, Big Rig Accidents


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Personal Injury, Automobile Accidents, 


Houston Catastrophic Injuries Attorney There are many types of personal injuries that are caused by others’ negligence. Catastrophic injuries, however, are the most severe, because they result in permanent, life-changing physical and mental disabilities. If you experienced a catastrophic injury that was caused by the negligence of another party, company, or medical professional, CONTACT US TODAY.

Life Changing Injury, Catastrophic Accidents

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